Note related to the ESL PODcast (Fast dialog:17:33) Fast dialog: 17:33 WORDS
reprimanded - castigato
to accuse – to state that someone has done something wrong or illegal; to blame someone for doing something wrong He was accused of theft
misconduct – cattiva condotta
to be up for – being considered for, especially when it is one’s turn or time to have ordo something. To be up for promotion
to be on edge – essere nervoso, preoccupato
minor – di poca importanza
offense – azione contro le regole
slap on the wrist – blanda punizione
to blow things out of proportion – date troppa importanza ad una cosa
dismissal – licenziamento (o termine del lavoro)
written reprimand - ammonizione scritta
personnel file – fascicolo personale
raise – aumento (di stipendio) I hope to receive a raise
quite frankly – in modo diretto
to sweat it – (letteralmente sudare) = essere preoccupato di qualcosa Why are you studying so much? The test is going to be easy. Don’t sweat it!
promotion / punishment - promozione / punizione
don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time – non compiere il fatto se non puoi sopportarne le conseguenze