Note related to the ESL PODcast (Fast Dialog: 15:45)
to water (for eyes) = lacrimare. Ex: "Why are your eyes watering?"
the roof of (one’s) mouth = il palato. Ex:"The roof of my mouth is on fire."
taste bud = papilla gustativa
to give a little kick (to a dish) = dare un po' di sapore. Ex: "I decided to put some hot sauce to give a little kick to this pasta"
pungent = with a very strong smell or taste. Ex: "Many children dislike pungent cheeses like blue cheese."
zesty = aspro. Ex: "This lemon is so zesty!"
mild = dolce, leggero
to cool down (about a dish) = raffreddarsi. Ex: "My mouth needs to cool down from all that heat."
to fill up on [something] = riempirsi di qualcosa Ex: "Stop filling up on the bread, or you won’t be hungry when the waiter finally brings our food"
to curry favor with (someone) = agire controvoglia per fare un piacere. Ex: “Some of the students are trying to curry favor with the teacher before their big exam by bringing her coffee, doughnuts, and flowers.”
the heat = la fiamma, il fornello, Ex: “Please turn down the heat once the water starts to boil.”
heat wave = 0nda di calore
dead heat = gara all'ultimo ... . Ex: “The horse race ended in a dead heat and no one could say who won and who lost.”