Ho creato questa applicazione ispirandomi a Il Libro Ritrovato di Richard Bach.
Il famoso scrittore, autore de Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston e Illusioni, ha creato questo libro delle risposte per trovare soluzioni, o almeno suggerimenti, ai dubbi che ci assalgono continuamente, siano essi esistenziali o del momento.
Il libro raccoglie, uno per pagina, aforismi, profezie, proverbi, massime.
L'autore ci invita a chiudere gli occhi, pensare a una questione della nostra vita che dobbiamo risolvere, aprire a caso il libro e leggere la frase che ci appare davanti agli occhi, applicandola al problema che ci sta a cuore.
Allo stesso modo, pensate intensamente a una domanda. Ora chiudete gli occhi e aggiornate la pagina facendo click qui...
Tutte le distribuzioni hanno un file di configurazione della rete, ma il formato e il posto in cui risiedono è differente. Modificare direttamente i file di configurazione può essere impegnativo, quindi ogni distribuzione mette a disposizione anche l'interfaccia grafico per effettuare la configurazione specifica.
L'utility Network Manager uniforma tutte le distribuzioni. Elenca tutte le reti disponibili (wired, wireless e mobile broadband), ne permette la scelta, getisce le password, e permette la configurazione di una VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Collegamenti Wired e Wireless
I collegamenti di tipo wired non richiedono generalmente particolari configurazioni. L'interfazzia hardware e la presenza del segnale sono avvertiti automaticamente e il Network Manager configura la rete grazie al DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol).
Gli ambienti desktop più popolari sono GNOME, KDE (default di SUSE), Unity (da Ubuntu, basato su GNOME), Xfce, e LXDE. Molti desktop environment seguono la struttura di GNOME.
GUI Startup
Quando si installa un ambiente desktop il display manager X si attiva al termine del processo di boot. Il display manager X permette l'attivazione del sistema grafico. Quando si fa il login si può scegliere fra dispasati ambienti desktop disponibili.
Il display manager di default per GNOME è chiamato gdm. Altri sono lightdm (utilizzato in Ubuntu) e kdm (associato con KDE).
Questo è un estratto del capitolo 3 Webcam and Video Wizardry del libro Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents di Stefan Sjogelid.
Attenzione: nel capitolo precedente abbiamo cambiato il parametro dwc_otg.speed in /boot/cmdline.txt settandolo a 1
per migliorare la qualità audio. Ritorniamo ad impostarla a 0.
Questo capitolo utilizza una webcam USB anziché la Camera Pi.
Ci sono due importanti componenti di Linux per gestire la camera:
Linux USB Video Class (UVC): sono i driver per far funzionare la videocamera
Video4Linux (V4L): è un framework utilizzato dalle applicazioni che registrano video dalle webcam, TV e altri dispositivi. C'è una versione aggiornata V4L2.
Watch at least 20 minutes per day of video in English. You can watch clips on the internet or DVDs. If you watch a 10 minute video twice, that is 20 minutes! If you watch a 5 minute video 4 times, that counts as 20 minutes. I encourage you to experiment with your watching techniques: with subtitles in English, without subtitles, films you have already seen, rewinding, re-watching, turning on the subtitles, turning them off, etc.
Make a note of what you watched and any of your reactions or reflections.
- Date October 28, 2014
- Title Where do ideas come from?
- Speaker Steven Johnson
- Link http://www.ted.com/playlists/20/where_do_ideas_come_from
- Length 17.42
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles No - Transcript is here: http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_where_good_ideas_come_from/transcript
- Notes on content I want to watch it again - Done!
- Notes on watching techniques It was the result of a search on Ted on Creativity
- Summary:
the English coffeehouse was crucial to the development and spread of one of the great intellectual flowerings of the last 500 years, what we now call the Enlightenment. In fact, one important cause of the Enlightenment was the switching from the previous use and abuse of alcohol - people was used to drink alcohol every time, because drink water was unsafe - to the inclination to coffee and tea (stimulant instead that depressant like alcohol). Furthermore, coffeehouses were important because of their architecture. A coffeehouse was a space where people would get together from different backgrounds, different fields of expertise, and share. Ideas got together there. An idea is a new network of neurons firing in sync with each other inside your brain. It's a new configuration that has never formed before.
- Date October 29, 2014
- Title Your Elusive Creative Genius
- Speaker Elizabeth Gilbert
- Link http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius
- Length 19.09
- Time watched 2 (I watched it one time today and an other time a long time ago)
- Subtitles No
- Notes on content Transcribe to tell the story to my classmates
- Notes on watching techniques Watched before
- Date October 30, 2014
- Title Mad Men E01 S01
- WIkipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke_Gets_in_Your_Eyes_(Mad_Men)
- Length 48.39
- Time watched 1 (I've seen it before, but more than a year ago)
- Subtitles Yes
- Notes on content I want to review the transcript.
- Notes on watching techniques I watched the episode to warm up and remember.
- Date October 31, 2014
- Title What new power looks like
- Speaker Jeremy Heimans
- Link http://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_heimans_what_new_power_looks_like
- Length 15.08
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles No (there aren't)
- Notes on content Transcribe to tell a story to my classmates
- Notes on watching techniques I searched to pause every time I did not understand and rewind and repeat
- Date November 1, 2014
- Title Mad Men E02 S01 - At the restaurant with the boss, and come back to home (Episode's title: Ladies Room)
- WIkipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_Room_(Mad_Men)
- Length about 6 mins.
- Time watched 4 (I've seen it before, but more than a year ago)
- Subtitles Yes (see notes)
- Notes on content I reviewed the transctipt
- Notes on watching techniques I watched it 4 times, the first with subtitles, the second pausing and seeing the subtitles/translations, translating the words and the phrases I had not understood (see here the transcript http://goo.gl/pZv2r2 ). Then I repeated the vision two other times without subtitles and eventually with pause and reading again.
- Date November 2, 2014
- Title Mad Men E02 S01 - At the office, and launch pause with colleagues
- WIkipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_Room_(Mad_Men)
- Length about 6 mins.
- Time watched 4
- Subtitles Yes (see notes)
- Notes on content I reviewed the transctipt
- Notes on watching techniques I watched it 4 times, the first with subtitles, the second pausing and seeing the subtitles/translations, translating the words and the phrases I had not understood (see here the transcript http://goo.gl/pZeB05). Then I repeated the vision two other times without subtitles and eventually with pause and reading again.
- Date November 29, 2014
- Title TED Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles"
- URL http://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles
- Length about 9 mins.
- Time watched 2
- Subtitles Yes (see notes)
- Notes on content The second I reviewed the INTERACTIVE transctipt
- Notes on watching techniques The first time I watched without subtitles, the second seeing the interactine subtitles. To se again also because it is impressive for the message
- Date December 7, 2014
- Title The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn | Jeremy Howard | TEDxBrussels
- URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx310zM3tLs&list=TL-Ayhe5rgu88
- Length about 20 mins.
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles No
- Notes on content I want to watch also the other TED talk af Jeremy Howard, it is a very interesting matter
- Notes on watching techniques To se again also because it is impressive for the message
- Date December 11, 2014
- Title The Internet's own boy: the story of Aaron Swartz
- URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vz06QO3UkQ
- Length about 1.50.00
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles Yes, in Italian
- Notes on content The movie tries to shed light on the life and death of Aaron Swartz
- Notes on watching techniques I whatched with Italian subtitles because I found very difficult to understand. I have also downloaded subtitles (english) for rewatching
- Date December 31, 2014
- Title Arduino The documentary
- URL http://vimeo.com/18539129
- Length 28.16
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles Yes, in English
- Notes on content It is pretty boring
- Date December 31, 2014
- Title Maker The Movie
- URL http://makerthemovie.com/ (I have bought it)
- Length about 1.00
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles Yes
- Notes on content The movie "Maker" is a feature-length documentary on the Maker Movement and its impact on society, culture and economy.
- Notes on watching techniques Easy comprehension
- Date Januaty 1, 2015
- Title Chris Hadfield: What I learned from going blind in space
- URL http://www.ted.com/talks/chris_hadfield_what_i_learned_from_going_blind_in_space/
- Length about 20.00
- Time watched 1
- Subtitles No
- Notes on content TED talk
- Notes on watching techniques It was easy to understand, but to it has to be rewatched with transcript for a deeper comprehension